2019 neighbourhood renewal construction
The years of waiting are over and construction finally begins on Strathcona’s neighbourhood renewal this spring.
Work will continue through the summer and fall, pick up again in 2020 and conclude in 2021. Epcor is also going to be in Strathcona this summer, in addition to the neighbourhood renewal construction, so please make sure you review the details in this post to know if you’ll have construction on your street in 2019.
It takes a lot of work to renew a mature neighbourhood like ours!
This year, neighbourhood renewal construction will take place in central and west Strathcona. All roads, sidewalks and street lights will be replaced between 107 and 101 Streets, from 82 Avenue to 87 Avenue (please see the map below for more specific details). If you live in this area, expect to receive a construction update from the City of Edmonton in the mail.

Since all streets and sidewalks will be replaced, anyone living in this area will lose access to their home from the front street at some point this year. If you have any questions about this, or you have any specific issues of accessibility that need to be addressed, please contact the construction project manager, the Building Great Neighbourhoods department or phone 311.
Strathcona construction project manager: Aladdin Benayad
Phone: 780-496-4057
Email: aladdin.benayad@edmonton.ca
Building Great Neighbourhoods: buildinggreatneighbourhoods@edmonton.ca
If you’d like to see what construction will look like near your home and throughout Strathcona, you can find plan details, and project history, at the dedicated page for our neighbourhood renewal at the City of Edmonton’s website.
For any questions about the plan or construction, visit edmonton.ca/buildingstrathcona or call 311.
Please note, any official notices from the City of Edmonton will include the city’s logo and contact details for Building Great Neighbourhoods and/or project managers. It will also likely include the neighbourhood renewal branding you may be familiar with from previous mailouts and newsletters (see attached Strathcona_PreConstruction_Flyer, or the page at the City website). Notices will also be mailed to your home or left as a door-hanger as has been the case over the last two years.
Ahead of neighbourhood renewal construction in east and north Strathcona, Epcor is going to be replacing water mains and completing system upgrades (fire hydrant installs and valve replacements) to improve water system reliability. This work will begin in late summer and should last for approximately 6-8 weeks for construction.
The water main renewal has been accelerated as part of the City’s neighbourhood renewal construction. All water mains with a minimumof one break in the past five years are reviewed for replacement in advance of City paving. This work includes areas that are not part of the City’s neighbourhood renewal construction in 2019, so it could affect you if you live outside of the 2019 construction area (that’s 107-101 Streets between 82-87 Avenue).
For further information regarding Strathcona’s neighborhood renewal projects, EPCOR will be updating project specific information at its website. There may be other Epcor work on sewers and water pipes, which you can check on their map of ongoing construction projects.
If you have questions about any of Epcor’s planned work in Strathcona, you can contact them by phone at 780-412-3599 or email waterprojects@epcor.com