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Volunteer Opportunities

The League often needs volunteers in the following areas.  Join us!
Click for information on all the Roles of the Community League.

Board Member Positions – Our Board is made up of volunteers. Positions are filled for two year terms.  Each November at the AGM, about half of the positions become available. The full Board meets once a month, and committees or other groups sometimes have additional meetings. Please contact us to express your interest at ANY time of year, as positions do come up throughout the year.
Committee Member Positions – Some Directors depend on the help of volunteers to do their work – these are not board positions, and require a smaller time commitment.  If you have a particular interest, contact the Board Member for that area.Contact Us
Appointments – There are several on-going roles that are not Board positions. Open 
Memberships – We often need help selling memberships at League events and door to door.
Pub Nights – We can need people to set up, bartend, etc at our monthly Pub Nights.  No experience/certification required.
Gatherings – We need lots of help to put on our annual Winterfest, typically in February and BBQ events throughout the year (spring/fall typically) – We need help to organize, help with contests, make hot chocolate, bbq burgers, supervise the sleighride, carnival games and the
Friday Fun Skate and Rink Parties – Every Friday during skating season we serve cookies and hot chocolate and we also hold Rink Parties several times throughout the winter with refreshments and the
Big Bin Event – Once a year we have a Big Bin Event. We need help directing community members when dropping off large items to dispose of, or to be re-used.
Mill Creek Ravine Clean Up – In May, we need as many people as we can get to walk through the ravine and clean up the