EPCOR Construction Notice – Stormwater Outfall Rehabilitation
EPCOR is responsible for the maintenance of the main storm and sanitary lines in Edmonton and associated infrastructure, such as manholes. As sewers age, they deteriorate in many different ways.
There are two catchbasins which are connected to an outfall that are in need rehabilitation. The outfall is located near 87 Avenue and 97 Street, on top of the Mill Creek Ravine, and services the Strathcona neighbourhood.
The construction is scheduled to begin within the next month, as soon as Alberta One-Call locates have been completed. The work is expected to be completed within three weeks from when construction starts, weather permitting.
Full PDF https://strathconacommunity.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/2020-06-24OutfallRehab261_ConNotice.pdf