About Strathcona Centre Community League

Our Mission Statement
To provide facilities, organizational structure, activities and opportunities designed to enhance the quality of life and community spirit for Strathcona residents.
Our Community League Hall
Strathcona Community Hall is a hub for private and public facilities, indoor and out. With 3 rental rooms, 2 rinks, tennis courts, and a playground and spray park, the hall and its grounds are great for many types of events.
Address & Phone Number
10139 – 87 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 2P3
Phone: 780-439-1501
What a Community League Does
The Strathcona Centre Community League offers recreation and social activities to neighbours and works to improve the neighbourhood and quality of life for residents.
Through an agreement with the City of Edmonton and Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues, our non-profit league can operate a community hall, tennis courts, ice rinks, spray park, and other facilities, offering numerous opportunities for neighbours to be active and engaged. This agreement means the league is eligible for a per-capita based operating grant from the City, and can often access matching grants from all levels of government.
The league can also be involved in neighbourhood-level consultation or offer opinion on transportation, land use, school and parkland use, facilities, property development (and redevelopment), and recreation and sport opportunities.