Announcing Air Quality Monitoring in Old Strathcona

The Strathcona Community League has worked with the Alberta Capital Airshed and the Tomorrow Foundation to get an air quality monitor installed at the League! The Purple Air monitor measures fine (0.3 to 10 micrometer) particles in the air. These particles are the main pollutant from wildfire smoke, however other sources of fine particles are cars, industrial facilities and residential fireplaces and woodstoves, so monitoring the air quality is important year-round.
You can follow a real time air quality map including our sensor directly here:
Or find it anytime on our website:
Wildfire smoke and fine particles are extremely dangerous to our lungs, especially for children, the elderly, pregnant people, those with pre existing illnesses, and anyone who works outside. Now we can check our own sensor to make informed decisions before heading out! In addition to checking the measurements, be sure to monitor your own symptoms, such as cough, sore eyes, sinus irritation, and headaches.
This sensor is part of a Community Science project from the Tomorrow Foundation, aiming to promote discussion about the environment.
For more information about this project, please contact