Black History Month

Mayor Don Iveson has proclaimed February Black History Month in Edmonton. If you’d like to learn more and discover ways to celebrate the many contributions of Black Canadians, the Edmonton Foundation of Community Leagues and Edmonton Public Library have put together some great resources.
EFCL: Black History Month across Edmonton Communities
There are events, workshops, films and discussions happening across the Province.
The University of Alberta is hosting a keynote lecture, movie nights and an Afro-Fusion dance workshop. All events are listed on their website.
MacEwan University is hosting two public online seminars for Black History Month. Sen. Wanda Thomas Bernard will speak about the Double Pandemic for Black Canadians on Feb. 1. A second event Feb. 9 will explore racial discrimination and COVID-19.
The University of Calgary has a list of online events on its website.
St. Albert Public Library has a series of online Friday-night watch parties of Black Canadian films from the National Film Board on Feb. 5, 12 and 26.