Creeping Bellflower is Bad News

Did you know that Creeping Bellflower is BAD NEWS?
Creeping Bellflower has been seen a lot in the neighbourhood this year and some people may not know that, while pretty, it is an invasive species and listed as a noxious weed in the Alberta Weed Control Act. This means that property owners are required to control the spread of it, but eradication is not mandatory.
This species, otherwise known as Campanula rapunculoides, chokes out all other plants with its deep, fast-spreading root system and the ability to produce a large amount of seeds that can be easily spread. As soon as you can get the new growth out of the ground, the less energy can be stored in the roots of the plants. Over time, you will starve out the roots. If you can not get the whole population out, make sure to remove flowers before they produce seeds to stop seeds from going into the soil.
For more information on Creeping Bellflower and other invasive weeds, contact the City of Edmonton at 311, email, or visit