King Edward School Mural

Officially unveiled on September 15, 2022 this mural added some much needed colour to a previously blank wall. Situated on the west side of the building and framing the playground’s Buddy Bench, visitors are now invited to look closely and see all the detail that artist AJA Louden included.
From the school council “We are so very grateful to have received consultation from Cree Elder Nôhkom Jo-Ann Saddleback from Maskwacis Samson – resulting in the addition of blueberries, an important plant for Nehiyawak or Plains Cree children and the white poplar, considered to be the first tree in their culture. We are also very grateful to Elder Jerry Saddleback also from Maskwacis Samson for his translation of the statement “All Children Matter” into sacred Cree syllabics for our mural. We feel that it is a fitting statement for an elementary school where truth and reconciliation should start. It is also a message that includes all children and one that embraces the diversity of our school and our community.”
8530 101 St NW