EPL Public Lecture Series

Join the EPL and Future Energy Systems for their public lecture series, Energy Talks.
With a focus on multidisciplinary research that develops the energy technologies of today and the near future, integrates them into today’s infrastructure, and examines possible consequences for our society, economy, and environment, Energy Talks provides an opportunity for you to engage with researchers and learn more about their work.
This month, Maricor Arlos, Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta in Civil and Environmental Engineering, will speak on the state of our water with her presentation:
H2 Uh-Oh: Emerging Water Contaminants and Our Urban Environment
Wednesday, October 18
7 pm – 8:30 pm
Strathcona Library
8331 104 Street
Registration required. Space is limited.
Register at https://epl.bibliocommons.com/events/64ed472ec0db8d2800cdb948
For more information on the Energy Talks series, visit https://www.futureenergysystems.ca/engage/energy-talks