Gallagher Park Survey
Gallagher Park, commonly known as Connors Hill, is a city-wide park situated in the river valley community of Cloverdale. Gallagher Park is home to a toboggan hill, the Edmonton Ski Club and is the site of the Edmonton Folk Music Festival. Over the next few years, the City of Edmonton will be developing a Master Plan for Gallagher Park which will establish the vision and provide direction on future uses for the park.
During the winter season, the east side of Gallagher Park has historically been used by the public for tobogganing. In December 2015, a ski run was established in portion of this area for use by Edmonton Ski Club patrons. The ski area was separated from the tobogganing area with markers.
The City of Edmonton is interested in knowing whether citizens support both uses (tobogganing and skiing) on the east side of the hill over the next few years, while the Master Plan is being developed for Gallagher Park.
Survey Link:
Please note that the survey will close on April 22, 2016.