Hall and Grounds Renewal | Seeking Rink Move Volunteers

Hall and Grounds Renewal is continuing at the Strathcona Community League Hall.
The Rink Move work will commence at the beginning of September to resurface the asphalt in the tennis courts.
In the meantime, the rink boards are getting a facelift and then the rink will be disassembled while it waits for a new home on the asphalt area.
We are looking for volunteers to help take the boards down on August 23, 24 and 25.
We will use battery-powered hand tools to disassemble, and then carry/cart the 12 foot rink sections to the seacan located in the parking lot.
We also need a volunteer each shift to act as a runner and general assistant.
Join your community and be a part of refreshing the Hall Grounds for generations to come!
Please fill in this form and we will contact you before Aug 23.
If you have questions, please contact info@strathconacommunity.ca