Have you had a sewer or water back-up?
Mill Creek Neighbours – we would like to speed up the process for review of our drainage system. Please respond by Friday, Sept 30th.
Have you had sewer and water backup in your home this summer or over the past 5 years?
We are collecting names from neighbours in order to make a case to the City of Edmonton to speed up the process for review and improvement of our drainage system. The sewer main currently combines both storm water and drainage and consequently, with heavy rains, the pipe can’t handle the flows and it backs up into homes.
The City’s current plan is to conduct a neighbourhood review of our drainage system in 2019 and to make upgrades, if approved in the City budget, a year or two after that. We are asking the City to expedite these timelines.
The City indicated that collective pressure could make a difference. If you are willing to be a part of this process, we will come to your home to collect a signature on a letter to the City. We need to collect your name, address, and dates you had water issues and/or sewer backup in your home. This will help us make a stronger case.
Karen Link and Heather Blair
To participate, please contact Karen at karen@criticallink.ca
by Friday, Sept 30th.