Types of Memberships:
- Family $20 – A family is any group residing in one household, acting as a family unit, with a maximum of two votes per household.
- Single $15 – Annual membership for an individual.
- Student $5 – A student is an individual attending a post-secondary educational institution.
- Senior $5 – An individual of 65 years or older.
- Seniors couple $10 – Two seniors residing in one household.
Click on the button to renew your current Membership or get a new one.
Why join the Strathcona Centre Community League
Why be a SCCL member? There are many reasons:
- A voice on issues in our community (neighbourhood renewals, developments, etc.)
- A connection to news and events in the community (e-mail list, website, newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
- Social events like Winterfest in February, Mini Folk Fest in September, and Board Games Meet-up
- Pub Night typically on 3rd Friday of every month (themes like Trivia, Scotch tasting, wine sampling)
- Free skating and hockey at our two top-notch rinks
- Up to 20% discount at city-owned recreation facilities (e.g. Kinsmen)
- Discounts on hall rental
- Children’s sports and programming (soccer, art classes, play group)
- Access to Programs such as Barre, Essentrics®, Yoga, and more
- Free one year Membership at the Edmonton Tool Library
- Discounts at various local businesses and services
Be a community league member and help make our community a better place to live.
Alternative ways of purchasing a Membership
CHEQUE: You can mail or drop off a cheque to the Community League at 10139 87 Ave, NW, T6E 2P3, enclosing a note advising that you want a membership. Include membership type (family, single, senior), names of adults in the household, home address and if desired email address. A membership card will be mailed or dropped off at your house.
If you have any questions, email, or leave a voice message at the hall at 780-439-1501.
Looking for a way to show your Strathcona community support? We have toques!
These olive or gold coloured merino-blend toques are a cozy and unique way to showcase your community’s personality to the broader audience.
Toques are $20 for members and you can purchase yours online or at community events. Online purchases can be picked up at the league Thursdays between 10am and 12pm.