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The Mustard Seed Moravian Shelter Update March

On January 14th , The Mustard Seed opened a shelter space for the community, operating out of the Edmonton Moravian Church. This space was designed with a few things in mind; to provide 24/7 services specifically for women, to provide a smaller space with 20 beds separated by cubicles, and to ensure connections to housing was a main focus.

As of March 21st, the Mustard Seed has provided shelter at this location a total of 842 times. Wellness advocates, and housing outreach workers, are on site regularly, and 87% of the women using the space have expressed interest in being connected to housing supports, many going on to more permanent housing options. Along with advocates and housing workers, we have had a number of other programming including access to dental services, tax support, cultural supports, chaplaincy and lots of fun activities including games, and movies.

The cubicles have been very well received and the women have expressed appreciation for the increased privacy. Each cubicle has its own TV table, and chair which allows for their own space to read do activities, and generally just relax. With this set up they are able to eat their meals with increased social distancing, and separation which has contributed greatly to pandemic safety measures. Additionally, the guests have been used this space to post important information like calendars with appointment times, and use dry erase markers to write positive affirmations and goals. The cubicles safety, and comfort have offered the guests a chance to take a pause from living in the crisis state of homelessness.

As the demand for shelter in the city continues, we have been asked to extend our services at this location through the spring and summer. We continue to be grateful to the Government of Alberta who have funded this space. We know that many Edmontonians want to help their vulnerable neighbors, and we will continue to publish our needs on our website.

For any questions or concerns regarding the Moravian Shelter please contact:

Executive Director: Dean Kurpjuweit –
Director of Programs: Kris Knutson  –


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