Needs Assessment Survey Results

The Strathcona Centre Community League (SCCL) is pleased to release the report of the Needs Assessment Survey conducted in October 2020. The purpose of the online survey was to determine the needs and wants of the Strathcona community for the league facilities, programs, and amenities to help inform SCCL decision-making. A total of 124 respondents residing within the Strathcona boundaries completed the survey.
In recent years, the SCCL Board of Directors received inquiries and suggestions from community residents about the use of outdoor spaces, hall facilities, programs, and activities. In the spring of 2020, the board established an ad hoc committee of four members to develop a questionnaire for an online survey. The committee received support from a summer student to refine the survey, analyze, and format the results. The report and qualitative (open-ended) responses were considered by board members during the brainstorming session of April 12, 2021 to discuss programs, memberships, sports and recreation, social events/initiatives, league amenities, and civic/community engagement. Some of the suggestions were immediately implemented based on the interests expressed, ie the startup of Eccentrics classes.
The Board recognizes that the results are a snapshot in time of those who opted to participate in a self-selection survey and the demographic characteristics are not representative of the larger population. As the Strathcona community continues to grow, the board will continue to seek inputs to help to prioritize competing visions for the future of the League.
With the lifting of government COVID-19 restrictions in 2022 and a safe reopening of the building facilities, there will be opportunities for volunteers to be involved in community-led projects. A Hall and Grounds Renewal Committee has been established to discuss priorities for short-term goals and the capital improvement budget for infrastructure projects. Community input is and will continue to be sought at varying stages of the decision making process.
For more information on the Needs Assessment Survey, please contact