September 2024 HGRC Update

September 2024 HGRC Update
It has been a busy summer for the Hall and Grounds Renewal Committee and it will be an even busier fall.
In July, we were invited to submit an application for the Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) provincial grant. We submitted our application at the end of August and await an answer from them in January 2025.
In the meantime, work has commenced on the outdoor grounds portion of the project. If you have been by the Hall lately, you have seen some major changes, with the rink being dismantled and the support posts being removed. Starting on or around September 6, work will commence on the resurfacing of the asphalt on the tennis courts. At this time, the work is expected to be fully completed by September 18, after which the League will work to reassemble the rink in the new location in time for the 2024/25 rink season.
This project is volunteer-run, and soon the committee will again be asking for your help with a Call for Volunteers post to reassemble the rink. If you have any questions about this project, please contact us at