Strathcona Centre Community League Strikes Ad-Hoc Committee To Prepare For Neighbourhood Renewal
The City of Edmonton invests in the infrastructure of its residential areas, their streets, sidewalks and street lights, through the Building Great Neighbourhoods program (source). Communities are targeted for renewal in accordance with four-year capital budget cycles. Strathcona Centre Neighbourhood, located just north of Whyte Avenue, between Mill Creek Ravine and 107 Street, will be renewed during the 2019-2023 cycle.

Map of Strathcona Centre Neighbourhood
Traditionally, Building Great Neighbourhoods has proposed a “like for like” replacement of infrastructure, with minor additions to improve walkability (adding missing sidewalks being the most common of these). However, in 2013 the community of Queen Alexandra, located directly south of Strathcona Centre, organized to advocate for the inclusion of an element of new street design in its neighbourhood renewal. Due to timing constraints, only the two collector roads of 76 Avenue and 106 Street were given consideration (project web page).
The Strathcona Centre Community League is very excited by Queen Alexandra’s success in leveraging the city’s investment in order to create a more walkable, bikable, livable area. The League thinks that the same type of process can and should be applied to the entire Strathcona neighbourhood, so it struck an ad-hoc committee in late 2016. This website will showcase the committee’s work and help inform the community about events and potential actions related to the process.