Welcome to the Board

Welcome to the Strathcona Centre Community League Board of Directors!
New this term:
Dakota Hanson (Sport and Fitness Director)
Dakota recently moved into Strathcona, a neighbourhood he has been frequenting throughout his six years in Edmonton. As the operations manager of three rock climbing gyms, he has been helping provide active opportunities to many Edmontonians. Dakota spends his active time playing volleyball, rock climbing, cycling, and swimming. He is looking forward to bringing sport and fitness to everyone in the community!
Roger Tassie (Building and Grounds Director)
Roger and his family have lived in Old Strathcona for over 20 years. He wants to give back to the community as family members have benefited from art classes, skating, playgroup, and functions at the community league. Roger is interested in helping to rectify any issues with the hall and grounds.
Emily Graca has served as co-Director for Civics for the past year and was elected as the new Social Director.
Congratulations to the following board members who were re-elected for a two-year term: Sally Hammell (Vice-President), John de Haan (Treasurer), Katie Krause (Secretary), Gord Lacey (Community Wellness and Safety Director), Jason Unger/Darcy Stevens (Green Initiatives co-Directors), and Jeanie McDonnell (Hall Use Director).
Thank you to our departing board members, Landon Schedler and Farhana Nurani, for all your hard work in your terms.