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Urgent Feedback required | Changes to proposed development

Proposed Development for 99st. 9009,9013 99 St. &9860 90 Ave.

Map Data ©2019 Google


The community was informed in May 2019 of a substantial change to the development proposed for the properties located at 99st. 9009,9013 99 St. & 9860 90 Ave.  As per our usual process, Civics and Planning met with the developer to review the changes.  Key changes included:

1) a change to the podium such that it would now include small scale commercial units fronting on to 99th St and the corner at 90th Ave, and

2) an increase in height and density of two floors.

The project subsequently went on hold while the developers sorted out some property issues.  The Community League was recently informed that the project is back online, with a slightly modified design that is substantially the same in form and program.  The current proposal is the one being presented here.

The following input was shared with the developer:

  1. We appreciate the change to commercial spaces in the podium.
  2. We anticipate the community will take issue with the height.
  3. Include family suites to the building (2 +1 bedrooms).
  4. Improve the lane.
  5. Move the amenity space to the west side of the building, away from the neighbours, so party noise would not be heard down the avenue
  6. While we appreciate the effort to make the south side of the building fit in with 90th Ave, we would recommend that even more be done to limit the massing on the front of the building.
  7. Those responsible for the neighbourhood’s community garden recommend that you put in a garden for your tenants on the rooftop.  If they can garden on their own rooftop then they won’t have to join the waiting list for our community garden.


Notices were sent out by City Planners to the surrounding residences for feedback . We have been informed that there was not much feedback.


Contact Information: to submit your feedback on the updated plans

It is very important for the city planners to receive feedback from the community NOW, and not later.   This development has features that in the past have been a concern for a significant portion of the Strathcona Community, specifically a height that exceeds six storeys.

The Community League is asking to have public consultation on this development, however without a demonstration by the community that there is concern, the City will likely not bother.  They have already indicated that the public feedback so far may not warrant a public consultation. Please send your feedback asap to Heather Vander Hoek:

Attached are the original proposal as well as a recent update on the plans.


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